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World Record-Setting Runner, Stan Cottrell & Abide App Executive Producer, Russ Jones

On this Episode of Divine Intervention Radio, we are joined by World Record-Setting Distance Runner, Stan Cottrell, and Abide app Executive Director, Russ Jones.

STAN COTTRELL ran from New York to San Francisco in 48 days and set a new world record, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. He ran across Europe in 80 days. He ran 2,152 miles in 53 days across the ancient, unknowable, forbidden land of China where foreigners had never been permitted. He has run across 40 different countries and has accumulated more than 250,000 miles of running in his 63-year career. That's more than 10 times around the earth. Yet Stan Cottrell believes the source of his power is more than mere physical. He is convinced that it is a source we all can tap if we know how. We can all achieve this same kind of efficiency, the same superior use of our physical, mental and spiritual resources. Not just in athletics but in all areas of our lives. And he believes it all starts with the importance of the dreams we have for ourselves and for those around us. If we are to do great things he has said, we must dream great hearted dreams. Stan shares his Christian testimony, and some of the miracles and divine interventions he has experienced during his life and long running career.

RUSS JONES has an extensive and varied background in media and mass communications, from being a radio producer and host, to PR, and running a radio network. His latest endeavor is as Executive Producer of the Abide Christian meditation app. Russ joins us to share his faith testimony, along with some information about the Abide app, and how it is being used to help many people overcome anxiety, fear, insomnia and more!

Stan Cottrell Russ Jones

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