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Ex-Muslims, Dr. Hormoz Shariat and Fatima Eid

On this episode of Divine Intervention Radio, we are joined by two former Muslims who came to faith in Christ, Dr. Hormoz Shariat, and Fatima Eid.

Dr. Hormoz Shariat was born into a Muslim family in Iran and came to the United States after the Islamic Revolution of 1979, where he came to Christ while earning his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering as a graduate student at USC in 1980. In 1987, He planted a church in San Jose, California. With hundreds of Muslim converts, it remains one of the largest churches of its kind in the United States.

In 2001 He followed the Lord’s leading and founded Iran Alive Ministries, which utilizes Satellite TV to reach the millions of lost and broken people of Iran and the rest of the Middle East.

Today, He broadcasts the Gospel 24/7 from his studio in Dallas to Iran and the Middle East, trusting the Lord to use him to transform a nation, which is responding to the Gospel unlike any other time in history.

Fatima Eid is originally from a devout Muslim family from Egypt, and she shares her testimony of her journey to finding out the truth about who Jesus really is, and ultimately how she came to faith in Christ.

Click the link below to hear the inspiring testimonies of Dr. Hormoz Shariat and Fatima Eid!

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